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One World is a charitable organization whose main field of activity is charity.

The good must be approached wisely. You can donate in different ways: for specific or systemic purposes, regularly or spontaneously. 


The reasons why they stop helping the foundation:
it is difficult to help those whom we do not see and do not know;
it's hard to help when the problem seems too big;
we help less actively when we see that none of our friends are engaged in charity;
we think that even without me there will be someone who will help.

About Us

Our foundation was established in 2009 by a group of initiative people who have been doing good deeds for many years. Over time, each member of the team provided all possible assistance, becoming a true professional in the field of charity. 
Our foundation is a team consisting of active and enthusiastic citizens who are able to achieve any goal and attract the same caring citizens to their ranks.


Our mission is to inspire, empower and unite people to change their world.

Our mission is to help people live in justice and create a more just world by promoting respect and understanding of different cultures and traditions.

We strive to implement social projects that evoke a sense of pride in the past and present.

To act as a facilitator and as such establish new networks between existing private and public institutions.

Our forces are directed to solving critical tasks, both large and small.

Everyone should understand that everything in life begins with changes. To achieve some results in life, need to start changing it. We often say that we can't change anything, but the present doesn't suit us either. Always want something to be different in life. But any changes begin with actions. All our adult life, each of us strives for success. Some achieve success in business, others in family affairs, there is also such a category of people who strive for this in their career. In a word, success is necessary in any area of our difficult life.

And what is success? Success is a gradual, step-by-step implementation of the conceived goals.

In order to achieve some changes, we listen and learn in order to understand, clarify and identify pressing problems that receive too little attention or for which funds or attention from the state are not allocated at all. 

Then we decide whether we can help, make a meaningful contribution and whether the investment will be justified.


We are in social networks

  • Whatsapp
  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • YouTube

This is a good opportunity to do something that
can change life for the better, so join us

It is very important to maintain the operability of fund. Usually people are reluctant to agree to direct part of the donation to the administrative needs of the foundation, but it is this money that allows us to work, hire employees, pay salaries. It is important to understand that the main "capital" of the fund is people: qualified, often unique specialists in medicine, social sphere, ecology, who should receive decent pay for their work. In addition, marketing, PR, SMM, finance specialists are needed, and here it is even more difficult for the foundation to compete with business for candidates with in-demand competencies.

We do not describe our activities, we act

We will be grateful for financial assistance for current expenses and the functioning of the Fund. You can donate funds via the website or by transferring funds to our account.




To increase the likelihood of success, the leaders of the resistance need to draw up a comprehensive plan of action to unite the suffering people, weaken and then destroy the dictatorship and create a strong democracy. To draw up such a plan, a thorough study of the situation and ways of effective action is necessary. Such a thorough analysis can become the basis for the development of both the general strategy of the struggle for freedom and the strategies of individual actions. Overthrowing a dictatorship or eliminating an existing dictator is not enough. The purpose of these conflicts should be to create a free society with a democratic system of governance. The clarity of understanding of this issue will influence the development of the general strategy and the resulting private strategies.





Only together and with the whole world can we help the Belarusian people to defeat the illegal government. Therefore, we have created a program to help in the fight against the dictatorial regime in Belarus. Only together can we help restore law and order, stop violence, release political prisoners and help hold free and fair elections in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus.


The charity program "Restoration" is one of the interesting activities of the foundation.
Within the framework of this charitable program, the foundation carries out the construction, restoration and improvement of Orthodox objects: Orthodox churches, cathedrals, monasteries, lavras, holy springs and other places revered in Orthodoxy as saints.


Our foundation helps veterans of the Great Patriotic War.
At the cost of their own health, at the cost of their own lives, they fulfilled their duty.
It is very important to provide assistance and support to people who have devoted a significant part of their lives to protecting the Motherland. In addition, returning to normal life, these people faced not only psychological, but also physical and material difficulties. Fortunately, there are many ways to help veterans, from simple sincere gratitude and recognition to dedicating their efforts and means to make their lives at least a little better.
There are very few of them left.


A project to preserve and perpetuate the memory of soldiers and participants of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Soldiers and front-line soldiers rest here. There are also separate burials of German soldiers. Today, almost all cemeteries and burials are in poor condition, the names of the buried are lost, there are no funeral books, cemetery fences are in poor condition, access roads are not equipped. The preservation of historical memory is not a matter of patriotism, not a social duty, but a moral duty of every living person. 

We welcome the help of like-minded people.


We will be grateful for financial assistance for current expenses and the functioning of the Fund. You can donate funds via the website or by transferring funds to our account.

Thanks for submitting!

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